Loyalty...such a menial trait in today's world. It seems as if loyalty is a passing theme. Nobody ever wants to be loyal past their own selfish desires. We no longer care about the big picture nor do we care about sticking around and helping the "big picture" come to pass. We are only as loyal as our own comfort levels allow us to be. We have reached a point where it doesn't matter what the goal is or how far we've gotten toward the goal, if our feelings or pride is hurt, or we feel like the side we're on stopped being the right side we will up and quit and move on.
In the book of Revelation Jesus says "I would that you were hot or cold, but since you are lukewarm I will spew you out of my mouth." This hot or cold that he wants you to be is loyal to something beyond your comfort level. But nowadays we are lukewarm. We try not to commit to anything just in case it's the wrong choice. We decide to quit at the slightest sign of trouble or struggle. This is hurting us in the long run though. There are so many blogs and articles saying it's alright to quit. We are destroying our future due to our inability to stay "in it" for the long run.
I notice this trend in all areas of life. Leaders are only good as long as they're pleasing the people. Once that goes out the window then we throw leaders under the bus. We as a people have made it to where leaders must be loyal to us instead of us being loyal to them. We place unreachable standards on them and crucify them when they don't live up to them. We need to stop this or else how will we teach our children about loyalty. How can we train our kids to stay committed to something bigger than themselves if we are unwilling to. We show our kids that it's alright to place great burdens on leaders and if they can't maintain their composure then we can bring them down.
I read in a book, I think it was called the mind of the samurai, that water chooses a path and sticks to it. When we choose to follow someone or choose to join an organization, or choose to get married, we need to learn how to stay committed to our choices through the good and the bad. Our loyalty should not only be to the people we decide to follow or commit to, but our loyalty should be to our commitment also. If you can't be loyal to your commitments or your word then can you even call yourself loyal, and if not loyal trustworthy?